“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.”
Maya Angelou
The dental bus will be here on Friday March 24th. Forms are in the front office and if you would like service for that date forms need to be return by February 10.
Soccer News
All boys and girls interested in playing need to have a current physical on file, running shoes or cleats. and comfortable clothes to play in. Send any questions to Ms. Destefani or Mr. Spinks.
University of Georgia TriO Invites You to Join Educational Talent Search:
We are still accepting applications for 6th and 7th graders to join this program. Ms. Lastasia Ramsey, Educational Program Specialist with UGA, meets with our student participants every other week during their lunch period to provide academic, career, and financial counseling while encouraging them to graduate from high school and complete their post-secondary education. Applications are available in the Counseling Department and/or the Front Office.
Upcoming Rising 9th Grade Events:
February 9th at 6-7pm-Rising 9th Grade Parent Night at Cedar Shoals
February 22nd-8th Grade Field Trip to Cedar Shoals
Letters to parents of 8th grade students enrolled in HS Physical Science will be sent home with progress reports on Friday, February 3. Parents should review this information carefully and discuss it with their child.
Picture News
Basketball News
We would like to congratulate the boys and girls basketball teams on a great season. The boys tried hard in the championship game, despite a tough loss.
Science Update
Every single student Hilsman took to the Regional Engineering and Science Fair won an award at some level!
Saketh Chaluvadi-Bronze Medal
Mich Bodden-Sliver Medal
Amanda Wise-Silver Medal
Remember Sharky McQuinn-Silver Medal
Amelia Pisarik-Gold Medal
Raquel Fillingim-Gold Medal
Serenity Howell-Gold Medal
Emma Dale-Gold Medal
Calvin Williams-Gold Medal
Two of our students won special awards`from the American Chemical Society:
Mich Bodden and Remember Sharky McQuinn`
A BIG shout out to the Hilsman Science teachers who got them to these levels!!!
Look out, State, here we come!!
Mrs. Jones is offering after-school tutoring and makeup sessions for seventh graders every Thursday in room 207 from 4:00 until 5:00 p.m. Parents are asked wherever possible to notify her a day in advance. STUDENTS MUST BE PICKED UP NO LATER THAN 5:00.
Week at a Glance:
Monday: B Day
21st Century
Tuesday: A Day
21st Century
Nursery Landscape and Agriscience Fair Practice 4:00-5:00
Wednesday: B Day
21st Century
Thursday: A Day
21st Century
Nursery Landscape Practice 4:00-5:00
Friday: B Day