Good evening,
Happy Mother's Day! I hope all of you are enjoying the day. Soooo we are down to the last 5 days! I know many of you are excited. Our week will be full of fun activities. It has been a great year. Shout out to the Band and Chorus for the great performances last week. Also if you had an opportunity to visit during Field Days, you witnessed the students having a blast. The Coaches and the rest of the Connections Team did a great job organizing the events. I have been asked several times about uniforms. This week only 8th grade will be out of uniform! But wait, there is a catch! They must donate 2 uniform items for next year's uniform closet. Please contact Mr. Blake if you have questions. All other grade levels may be out of uniform on the day of their Awards Ceremony and Friday! Remember to follow the dress code. Thank you for a wonderful first year. It has been great serving as the Principal of the Finest Middle School in town! Cheers to the last week of school!
You are invited to help plan the
2017-2018 Title I Family Engagement Program
At this Title I Planning meeting we will...
- Review and revise the Title I Family Engagement Plan and the School-Parent Compact
- Get input on how we can help you help your children to succeed in school
- Get input on how to spend the Clarke County School District’s Title I, 1% Parent Involvement set aside
The meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m., on Wednesday, May 17th in the school cafeteria.
We look forward to working with you to make 2016-2017 the best year for families at Hilsman Middle School yet!
If you have any questions, please contact: Ms. Jamie J. Hogan at (706) 548-7281 or
Orchestra Open House Wednesday from 4:00-6:30. Parents and students interested in orchestra should drop by the Orchestra Room to sign up and choose an instrument. Orchestra is open to any rising 6th grader, as well as any current 6th graders interested in joining. Please contact Ms. Floyd at for more information!
21st Century
If you are interested in your student participating in the 21st Century STEAM Program, please get an application from Ms. Nix. Rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders will meet at Cedar Shoals June 5-29, Monday-Thursday from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
Rising 9th grade students will meet at Clarke Central June 5th - June 29th, Monday - Thursday from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Transportation is provided for both programs.
Please click on the link below for a special message from Mrs.Trammel
Media Center News
For Staff, Students, and Parents: All devices, chargers, HotSpots, and library books have been collected, so please send any that you find around home or campus to the Hilsman Media Center. Thanks!
Yearbooks are still on sale. Send payment to Ms. Nix.
Award Ceremonies
6th Grade- May 17, 2017 @ 9:30
7th Grade- May 16, 2017 @ 2:00
8th Grade- May 15, 2017 @ 2:00
8th Grade Semi-Formal Dance
May 11, 2017 @ 6:00
8th Grade Moving On Ceremony
May 18, 2017 @ 6:00
6th Grade- May 17, 2017 @ 9:30
7th Grade- May 16, 2017 @ 2:00
8th Grade- May 15, 2017 @ 2:00
8th Grade Semi-Formal Dance
May 11, 2017 @ 6:00
8th Grade Moving On Ceremony
May 18, 2017 @ 6:00
Monday- B Day
FFA Officer Banquet Practice 4:00-6:00
Tuesday- A Day
FFA Banquet 6:00pm (All Staff are invited!) (All FFA members will be recognized and we are asking parents to bring a dessert or side dish.)
Wednesday- B Day
Orchestra Open House
Thursday- A Day
Friday- Last Day of School- B Day
Early Release at 12:30