![Image result for college and career quotes](https://wpcam-centerforexcelle.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads//sites/4/2017/01/excellence-is-an-attitude-ralph-marston.jpg)
Happy Sunday Panther Nation!
We have been busy at Hilsman Middle School the last several weeks. There is so much to celebrate in the Panther Nation! Shout out to our girls and boys basketball teams. The girls placed second while the boys brought home the championship trophy! It is also important to point out that both teams had a great number of players to earn Honor Roll! Super congratulations are also in order for Ryan Xiao for winning our school spelling bee. Ella Johnson was not far behind him in 2nd place. Ryan will represent Hilsman in the district's spelling bee that will be held on February 7, 2019, at 9:30 in Cedar Shoals High School's Theater. Still clapping loudly, we want to celebrate Ellie Crane, Tory Ratzjczak, and Ella Johnson who all placed 1st place in the FFA Northeast Georgia Regional Science Fair. Finally, we had a host of 6 graders represent HMS at the Regional Science Fair. Way to go Panther Nation!
As evident by the number of Dress Down Fridays, our students are settled and our race to the end of the year is well on its way! We are excited about the many positive learning opportunities that our students have been engaging in and are looking forward to our students growing and excelling on the Georgia Milestone Assessments. Although we are showing growth, we still have work to do at Hilsman. As we gear up to break down the Milestones, I want to reiterate the hard work that must be done by every member of our school community. If your scholar is in need of remediation, please be sure that they are participating in tutoring provided by their grade level teachers. The Milestone Assessments measures your child knowledge of the standards. The standards are taught daily in the classrooms. At this time we have less than 30% of our students that are on track to master the Milestone. Our Pathways to Success Program began in September. At this time we have less than 50 students that consistently participate weekly. This program is free of charge, offers remediation as well as preparation for the Milestone Assessments. Beginning February 2nd, we will begin our Breaking Down the Georgia Milestone Saturday School Program. This program is NOT just to remediate but will also offer students testing strategies and academic advisement to help them exceed the standards! Please get your child signed up ASAP. Applications were distributed last week to students and are due no later than Wednesday, January 30, 2019.
Panther Nation, it is imperative that we remain focused on teaching and learning for the remainder of the year. Everyone must put their best efforts forward to help ensure that our students are proficient in literacy and numeracy. WE can do it and WE will do it! Let us all work together to provide every student with the opportunity to experience success. Please continue to look for opportunities to get involved at Hilsman to positively impact the education of a child. I look forward to seeing you soon!
In partnership with you,
Principal Tolbert
Elevate K-12 Spanish
Great news! Elevate K-12 has been successfully implemented with our 7th graders who are enrolled in what is formerly known as Mr. Mundy's class. The students have been highly engaged and are doing a great job of interacting with the teacher. Mr. Scott is supervising the students during their instructional time and is doing a phenomenal job!
Chorus Update
Unfortunately, we have not found a committed Chorus teacher despite our best efforts. Our students were split among other Connection teachers for most of the first 2 quarters. Although our Connection teachers have done a great job of supervising and monitoring the learning of the students, the classroom sizes have admittedly caused some challenges. Starting Monday 1/28/19, students enrolled in Chorus and General Music will no longer have their class split to other classes. Alternatively, we will have students report back to their grade level to work with teachers for extension/remediation and support with academics such as reading, math, science, social studies and GA Milestones prep.
We look forward to providing our students with additional opportunities to engage in academic content and focus on being successful.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.
Outside Food Reminder
Our faculty and staff encourage you to come in and eat lunch with your child. We do want to remind you that outside food is not allowed in the cafeteria. If you want to enjoy lunch with your child, we invite you to join them in the cafeteria or find alternative space in the school to enjoy your lunch. We also want to remind you that food deliveries are NOT allowed for students. We have noticed an increase in food deliveries for students. Please do not order food and have it sent to the school for your child.
Great News
7th Graders interested in architecture, construction, landscape design, and interior design: New after school program! *design challenges *guest speakers from the design fields *skill-building activities *field trips to construction/building sites Begins February 6th Wednesdays 4:00-5:30 7th grade only Contact Ms. Seymour for more information or to sign up! seymoure@clarke.k12.ga.us
Family Education Night #4: Nacho Night Hilsman Families are invited to join us in the HMS Cafeteria on Wednesday, January 30th from 6-7:30 for a Q&A panel about the parent portal, upcoming testing, teen behavior management strategies, and more! Free nacho bar and child care--bring the whole family!
Athens Community Career Academy Info Night and Spaghetti Dinner: Drop by the Career Academy (440 Dearing Ext.) on Thursday, Jan. 31st between 5:30 and 7:30 to learn about Career Academy and internship opportunities in high school and beyond! Free spaghetti prepared by ACCA Culinary Arts students, blood pressure screenings, college information, and prizes.
Uniform Reminder
Please remind and ensure that your child arrives at school dressed in the appropriate attire. Students are permitted to wear khaki or black bottoms. Black, gold, or white polo style shirts are permitted. Jackets must be black, gold, grey, or white with minimal writing. Hilsman hoodies are permitted.
Week at a Glance
PSP/21st Century
Nursery Landscape and Agriscience Fair- Practice 4:00-5:00
PSP/21st Century
FFA Meeting Tuesday January 29. The leadership team is going to playing fun games all related to the number 19 for our New Year Party Meeting! Leaders, please let me know what your game will be on the post on Google Classroom by Sunday Night!
21st Century
21st Century
Nursery Landscape and Agriscience Fair 7:15-8:00 am.
21st Century