The blog is here! We have endured two weeks of testing at Hilsman Middle School. Thanks to Mr. Forker and his testing team, our students were able to finish Milestone Testing with minor disruptions. Our scholars worked hard and we can only hope for the best! The staff at Hilsman have worked diligently all year to prepare our students and we are looking forward to some great results. Today, we are administering the Math MAP Assessment. Our goal as a school is to have every student grow a total of 10 points on the assessment in reading and math. During conferences, goal sheets were provided to parents and students. Additionally, teachers shared a rubric that we use to help our school community gain a better understanding of the RIT score. We are excited about the progress that many of our students have made and the progress that we know they will make at the end of this race.
Progress reports were sent home last Friday. Please be sure to check your child's grades. More than 175 students were given Summer School letters however only 25 students are currently registered for classes. It is critical that the students that were identified as needing to attend Summer School get registered ASAP. There are only 3 weeks of school left. Students have a limited amount of time to get assignments completed and returned to teachers. You are encouraged to remain in constant communication with the teachers to ensure your child successfully complete the school year.
As we come to a close this school year, I want to remind you of our commitment to ensure that your child is safe at Hilsman. We often have observed a rise in fights taking place on and off campus at the end of the year. Please know that our staff and administrators will continue to hold our students accountable for their behavior as well as remain highly aware of situations in our school community. You too are encouraged to contact the school to report any situations that could potentially negatively impact the school.
We are almost finished! Thank you to all of the parents, community members and students for helping to make the Panther Prowl, SET Fundraisers, Sporting Events, Saturday School, PSP, and FFA a success! Our village has worked hard to honor our commitment to raising our school. Thank you for your continued support! Let's finish the race!
Congratulations to Ms.Tonya Ward and Mr. Tyrone Scott! Ms. Ward is HMS' 2019-2020 Teacher of the Year and Mr. Scott is the Paraprofessional of the Year! Both of these individuals have worked hard this year supporting our students and our staff! They are more than deserving of this honor!
FFA Members are going to Nationals!
Congratulations to HMS' FFA Members and Mrs. Martin! Thank you for your hard work and representing HMS. We are SUPER proud of you! A big thank you to Mrs. Martin for helping our students!
Hilsman Middle FFA members won 1st place in 3 divisions of the Georgia FFA State Agriscience Fair! Please congratulate these FFA members tomorrow at school! They will represent our school at the National Competition in Indianapolis in October.
Environmental & Natural Resources - Division 2- Ellie Crane and Coriander McGreevy
Plant Systems - Division 2- Chloe Smith and Lillian McGreevy
Power Structure & Technology - Division 2- Hilsman Middle Tory Ratajczak Emma McElhannon
Music News
Band Concert:
Monday, May 6 at 6:30
Cedar Shoals Theater
Final Family Series!
Please join us in the Hilsman cafeteria on Wednesday, May 1st from 6:00 pm-7:30 pm to learn about a wide variety of fun and educational summer programs available to middle schoolers.
We will serve a light dinner, so bring the whole family!
If you have any additional information to share about summer opportunities, please email
News You Can Use
Parents, please be advised that we have scheduled our end of year ceremonies based on the availability of venues that can host our events. As you are aware, our facility does not have a space that can accommodate all of our events. We have strategically worked to make decisions that would best support our students as well as our families. The programs will be no longer than an hour and a half in length. Please plan accordingly. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Important Upcoming Dates to Remember:
May 1-5 8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip
May 6-Band Concert
May 7-FFA Banquet
May 7-SET Trip to Atlanta
May 7-7th Grade Field Day
May 7-7th Grade Field Day
May 7-High School Science EOC
May 8-8th Grade Field Day
May 9-6th Grade Field Day
May 9-6th Grade Field Day
May 9-6th Grade Field Trip
May 9-7th/8th Field Trip to Atlanta Civil Rights Museum
May 13-College/Career T-Shirt Day
May 14-7th Grade Awards Program 10:00
May 15-8th Grade Semi-Formal 6:00 @ HMS Gym
May 15-6th Grade Awards Program-10:00 am
May 16-8th Grade Moving On Ceremony@ 6:00
Week at a Glance
Monday-21st Century
Milestone Makeups
Tuesday-21st Century
Milestone Makeups
Agriscience Meeting 7:30-8:00am
FFA Ice Cream Social- 4:00-6:00. Bring a topping if you would like or just come and enjoy those provided by FFA and our leadership team!
Wednesday-21st Century
Milestone Makeups
Thursday-21st Century
Milestone Makeups
SAE Workday 4-5
Friday-21st Century
Milestone Makeups
SAE Final Check 3 hours/3 pictures due in Google Classroom on the SAE Template (ALL AG CLASSES!). This is a test grade! You can receive partial credit so make sure to upload any hours or pictures you have of you working!