Last week was extremely busy at Hilsman. Thank you to all of the parents that came out to Open House and the Principal's Coffee. We had a blast and look forward to seeing you all at Parent/Teacher Conferences in October. Below you will find the announcements and news for the week!
- Student/Parent Handbooks will be given to all 6th and 7th grade students Tuesday. Please make sure that you read over the information and ensure that your child understands the expectations at Hilsman. The attendance and the receipt forms should be returned to the school by Friday. Every student that returns the form will earn 3 points for their house.
- Hilsman's first chorus performance for this year will be held on September 22, 2016 at 6:30 in the Old Gym. Please come out and support!
- Hilsman Middle School will kick off the celeberation of Hispanic Heritage Month on September 11, 2016. Be on the look out for upcoming events.
- FFA Fundraiser forms are due to Ms. Smith on September 22, 2016.
- Scholarships are available for students that are interested in earning money towards their Washington D.C. trip. This a a great opportunity. Please encourage your 8th grader to submit an entry. The deadline has been extended. See Mr. Pavone for more information.
- There are still openings and scholarships available for the Four Athens Coding Camp. The camp will be held in the Media Center on Mondays and Wednesdays beginning September 17th from 4:00-5:30. Register today at
odecamp and email Jim Flannery at for scholarship information."
Monday: B- Day
Tuesday: A Day
- Math Counts in Room 205 7:15 am
- 21st Century
- Volley Ball Game @ 4:30 Hilsman v/s BHL at Hilsman
Wednesday: B Day
Thursday: A Day
- C-Team Football Game 5:00 Home
Friday: B Day
Wear your spirit shirt and khaki bottoms
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