Quote of the Week:
Good evening,
I apologize for the tardiness of the blog this week! I hope that you all enjoyed the three day weekend. Although the Dawgs lost, I thoroughly enjoyed the rest. As we are approaching a busy week, I want to remind you that we are reiterating and reinforcing the academic and behavior expectations established at Hilsman. The last several weeks we experienced a rise in discipline referrals. Please remind your students to be respectful and kind to every adult and their peers. Also, be sure to get the school on time this week! Benchmarks will begin Tuesday.
Benchmark News:
Monday - 1st Planning Benchmark Training with Forker
Tuesday - Benchmark ELA I - Testing Schedule
Wednesday - Benchmark Math - Testing Schedule
Thursday - Benchmark Make-up (Regular Schedule)
Friday - Benchmark Make-up (if necessary)
Remind families about Trick or Treat for UNICEF. Please click the link below.
Update on Cookie Dough Fundraiser:Thank you to the 30 students that participated in the fundraiser. In an effort to raise more funds to support our PBIS incentive program, we are extending the deadline for the fundraiser to November 17th. Parents, please attempt to have your child sale at least 2 buckets. If you met the first deadline, you will receive your orders between November 8th and 9th. The Dunk Show will still take place as well as the special performance by Ms. Tolbert and Mr. Forker. Please stay tuned for the date. If you need another order form, please contact the front office.
Monday: Happy Halloween-Remember to be safe and Trick-o-Treat for Unicef
A Day
21st Century
Tuesday: B Day
21st Century
Math Counts
ELA Benchmark
Wednesday: A Day
21st Century
Math Benchmark
Thursday: B Day
21st Century
Friday: Spirit Day! Wear your Hilsman Spirit shirt and khaki pants
A Day
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