Wow! What a whirl wind of a week that we have experienced at Hilsman. I know that I have said it several times before but A HUGE THANK YOU for the phone calls and emails of concern. Our students have remained our main focus and were superior in both situations.
We are approaching our second week of school in December. The students are bursting with excitement as we are about to get out of school for almost three weeks. As expected, there has been an escalation in discipline referrals. Many of them are for repeated minor infractions. Please remind your scholars of the behavior, academic, and uniform expectations. We want all of our family together before we leave for the Holiday Break.
Please come out to the Sip and Talk that will be held on December 8th at 6:00. Our topics of discussion will be discipline and academic data. I believe that many of you will benefit from the discussion. As always, thank you for your continued support of Hilsman.
Trash Hunger Campaign Update:
UNICEF Fall Semester Collections so far:
Trick or Treat Collection = $383.89
Matching Funds from a Donor = $383.89
Earnings from Recycling Health & Beauty Care Items with Terra Cycle = $148.08
Total so far = $915.86
Our Fall Semester Goal is $1000.
We are very close to our school goal for the Fall Semester! Next Thursday, December 8 we will pack another box of health & beauty care containers to mail to Terra Cycle. If you have containers sitting around your house, please bring them in by then.
Thank you very much for your support of UNICEF and the Trash Hunger Campaign. The Winter/Spring Semester earnings will be donated to the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia.
Get your yearbook!
- Yearbooks are on sale for $22.00
- There is still time to sign up and go to Washington, D.C. Please contact Mr. R. Pavone ASAP
Important Finals Information
GAVS Algebra Final Exam -- Wednesday, December 7
GAVS French 1 Final Exam -- Thursday, December 8
GAVS Spanish 1 Final Exam -- Thursday, December 8
From 7th Grade ELA Teachers
7th Grade ELA will host a "Pre-Bee," or elimination round, prior to the school's spelling bee in January. The Pre-Bee will be Tuesday, December 12, in the old cafeteria. Students interested in participating should see their ELA teacher about a study sheet.
Week at a Glance:
Jessica Nowell Memorial Stomp Out Domestic Violence Step Show @ 4:00
Clarke Central High School Auditorium
The show is more fun with a full and loud audience! And don't forget, Hilsman can win the "Audience Favorite" award by earning the most "votes" from the audience- each vote for your school's team is $1.
Voting is currently open at /ways-to-donate/stomp-out-dome stic-violence/ Supporting Project Safe (and supporting your school's Step Team) is a great idea for anyone looking for a meaningful holiday gift!
Monday: A Day
- 21st Century
- Band Concert 7:00
Tuesday: B Day
- 21st Century
- Math Counts 7:15 am
- Science Fair
Wednesday: A Day
- 21st Century
Thursday: B Day
- 21st Century
- Sip and Talk 6:00 pm
- Basketball Game @ Home v/s BHL
Friday: A Day
- Wear you spirit shirt and khaki pants
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