Good afternoon,
I want to start the blog off this week with a HUGE thank you for every parent that came out to listen and help with the concerns at Hilsman. Great things are already happening as a result of your voices. Again, it takes a community to raise a successful school and I appreciate the community that I serve on a daily basis. Please do not forget to get your volunteer forms in to me ASAP. This week will be just as busy as we are preparing to administer benchmark exams. Please make sure that you have encouraged your child to review and complete the packets that were sent home in every major content area. It is our goal to prepare our students. The better prepared they are, the better they will perform.
There will be a Valentine's Day Dance this Tuesday from 6-8. Please support the 8th grade teachers effort to raise money for their field trip to Washington, D. C. We are also asking for donations of snacks to sell during the dance. Please consider donating chips, canned sodas, and candy. Students are asked to wear red but it is casual attire. We are looking forward to a great time.
Lastly, please continue to encourage your child to show respect and kindness at all times. We want a school where every kid feels accepted, loved, and important. Again, thank you for your voices and help! It is a pleasure to serve as the principal of Hilsman.
Ms. U. Tolbert
Attendance: Parents please remember that school starts at 8:25. We have a significant number of students that are arriving late to school or absent are absent from school. Remember when you miss school, you miss out!
Yearbooks on sale for $22.00. They will be $24.00 after 2/28/2017. Students have been given an order form by their homeroom teacher or can get one from Ms. Nix. Orders can also be placed online.
Spring Pictures will be on March 13, 2017. Spring pictures are pre-pay.
Winter/ Spring teams and clubs will follow individual photos on March 13th.
Saturday School Update:
Saturday School starts March 18th. We will be preparing for the Georgia Milestone.
The hours are from 8:00 - 12:00, All Grade levels are invited.
Applications will go out Monday, February 13th. They are due back by March 2, 2017 to the homeroom teacher.
Percentage Night
Percent Night at Chick-Fil-A on Wednesday, February 15th, from 5-8PM. Must say Hilsman prior to ordering food. Proceeds will go to Academic Team.
7th Grade Tutoring
Seventh grade students are invited to stay after school each Thursday from 4:00 to 5:00 to make up work and receive remediation.. Parents are requested to give me a day's notice, and students must be picked up at 5:00 p.m.
Benchmark Schedule
Feb/Winter Benchmarks Daily Schedule Below
2/14- Tuesday - Science (afternoon make ups)
2/15 - Wednesday - Science - Make Ups
2/16 - Thursday - Math (afternoon make ups)
2/17 Friday - Math and Science - Make ups
2/21 - Tuesday - ELA (afternoon make ups)
2/22 - Wednesday - ELA Make Ups
2/23 - Thursday - Social Studies (afternoon make ups)
24 - Friday - All Make Ups
Week at a Glance:
Monday-B Day
21st Century
Nursery Landscape and Agriscience Fair Small Group Practice 4-5
Tuesday- A Day
21st Century
Valentine's Day Dance 6-8
Soccer Game- FFA Concessions Workers 4-6
Wednesday- B Day
21st Century
Thursday- A Day
21 Century
Agriscience Fair Small Group Practice 4-5 - Officer Meeting 4-4:30
Friday- B Day
Sunday: UGA vs LSU Basketball Game (FFA members going meet at Stegman Collesium at 1:30)
Monday 2-13-17 Varsity Soccer vs. Providence Christian Academy 5:00/7:00
Tuesday 2-14-17 Varsity Soccer vs. Greene Co. 5:30/7:30
JV Baseball vs. Salem 5:30
Wednesday 2-15-17 JV Boys Soccer vs. Buford 5:30
Thursday 2-16-17 Varsity Baseball vs. Oglethorpe Co. 5:55
JV Baseball @ Salem 5:55
Friday 2-17-17 Varsity Soccer vs. E. Hall 5:30/7:30
Saturday 2-18-17 Varsity Baseball @ E Jackson 1:00
GO JAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
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