Quote of the Week: ![](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/hQhmQOxj70JhPfGljfVAe7SoDeBVIXp14ifbzfCXsmhvpZB5mSaXDlGa6_d7NbBb4x5WzkqwsXTci4paHst3Xf2Qcd2uXvHVsaV43C23l3pPZhnqLnQdJkc0nnC0mqdvqKtlkru3)
Happy Sunday Panther Nation!
Thank you for your continued support of our Panther Community. It was a busy week at Hilsman Middle School but we are continuing to remain focused on teaching and learning. Saturday School is up and running. On Saturday we doubled the number of students that were in attendance last week. I want to emphasize that this opportunity is available to ALL of our students. It is not a punishment to be in attendance rather an opportunity for students to gain additional instruction to help every child master the standards and meet expectations on the Georgia Milestone Assessments. The program is free of charge and transportation is provided to students that live within HMS’ school zone.
As we continue to promote a positive school climate and culture, I encourage members of our school community to get involved in activities that help provide students with positive experiences within our community. Volunteers are always welcomed at Hilsman and we welcome donations that enable teachers to provide every child an opportunity to participate in projects and labs that are have previously been assigned as home-based projects. We are in the planning phase to host a school dance, establish a school-based food pantry, and restocking our uniform closet to help offer clothing to our families that are in need of assistance. We would love to have your help or donations to ensure that these initiatives are successful.
I want to offer my sincere thanks to our school community for your patience as we continue our search for qualified and committed teachers. At this time we currently have 4 teacher openings, Chorus, 6th grade Math, Interrelated SpEd, and Science. It has been and continues to remain a top priority to fill the openings as soon as possible. We have remained in constant communication with district personnel regarding our needs at Hilsman to be sure that we continue to provide quality instruction to our students. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 705-548-7281 or via email at tolbertu@clarke.k12.ga.us.
Working alongside you,
Principal Tolbert
Dress Down Fridays
At this time our staff has decided to halt No Dress Down Fridays for the month of February. Although we noticed a decrease in physical aggression, we have noticed an uptick in disrespectful behaviors. Please know that our school data show a significant decrease in our overall discipline infractions. Our school community has been negatively impacted by incidents within our surrounding communities. We are working with local counseling services and community law enforcement agencies to brainstorm interventions to help our students make better decisions and cope with the negative impact of community incidents. If you would like to offer your services to our students, please contact Principal Tolbert.
Discipline Data Review
Food Pantry
We are PROUD to announce the opening of our Panther Nation Food Pantry. With the hard work and dedication of Ms. Katie Stanhope, we were awarded a 500.00 grant to help us get started. A meeting is scheduled for all interested community members that would like to help with this great initiative on Tuesday, February 12, 2019, at 6:00 in the cafeteria. We look forward to seeing you!
Saturday School
Our Student Achievement Data indicates that more than 60% of our students are not meeting or exceeding the learning expectations. Our staff is working daily to provide every child access to differentiated and rigorous instruction. Teachers are offering afterschool tutoring in addition to remediation/enrichment instruction offered in PSP and Saturday School to help our students. It is hard to teach to reach every student when everyone is not participating in the work. I encourage everyone to join the race.
Panther Prowl
Are you ready to run! The Panther Prowl will take place on April 7, 2019, at 2:00 pm. We are in need of sponsors, volunteers, and most importantly, runners! We would love for corporations, local businesses, and families to help support this race.
Sign Up for the Panther Prowl 5K!
Students and staff members who enter the Panther Prowl have an opportunity to win a prize pack to be announced after the race.
Students and staff members who enter the Panther Prowl have an opportunity to win a prize pack to be announced after the race.
8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip
As of Friday, our annual 8th-grade field trip to Washington D.C. was in jeopardy of being canceled due to the low participation. This trip has proven to offer exciting learning opportunities to our students. We are in need of at least 14 students to sign up and make the initial down payment of 100.00 before February 15, 2019, to avoid cancellation. Payment arrangements can be made for the remainder of the balance. Please contact Mr. Blake for more information at blakee@clarke.k12.ga.us.
LSGT Meeting
Hilsman’s Local School Governance Team meets every third Tuesday of the month. We will meet this month at 6:00 in the Media Center.
Building Construction Meeting
Our new home is coming along well! The administrators had an opportunity to do a walk through and were overwhelmed with the size and the pure beauty of the building. We will host a Building Construction Committee Meeting on February 26, 2019, at 6:00 pm to share updates and answer any questions related to the new building. Please join us to learn more about our transition and the new building.
Family Science Night
Family Science Night
Date: Thursday, March 21
Time: 5:00-6:30 pm
Location: Hilsman Cafeteria
Date: Thursday, March 21
Time: 5:00-6:30 pm
Location: Hilsman Cafeteria
Calling all softball players
If you are a RISING 8th or 9th grader there will be a softball interest meeting during your lunch period on Tuesday, February 26th. Please see Coach Pullen if you have any questions or concerns!
Important News from the Counselors
The Cottage, Sexual Assault Center & Children's Advocacy Center, will be at Hilsman on February 14th to facilitate a Media Safety presentation to all of our 6th-grade students. The presentation will cover hot topics for middle school students, including social media, inappropriate texting, and cyberbullying. This will be done in small groups so that students have opportunities to interact and ask questions. If you prefer your child not participate in this event, please contact Ms. Moore, School Counselor, by February 13th via email at moorea@clarke.k12.ga.us.
Week at a Glance
- PSP/21st Century
- AgScience-Creed 3 Crossword Worksheet
- Agriscience/Nursery Landscape 7:15-8:00
- College and Career T-Shirt Day: Students and staff are encouraged to wear a college or career t-shirt and uniform bottoms. Please make sure the college or career is visible, as solid colors are not permitted. If you do not wish to participate, please be in regular uniform.
- PSP/21st Century
- Creed 3 Quiz- Afterschool: SAE Workday 4-5
- Agriscience/Nursery Landscape 7:15-8:00
- 21st Century
- Creed 4 Worksheet and SAE Check #2 (see Google Classroom for more information)
- Agriscience/Nursery Landscape 7:15-8:00
- 21st Century
- Wildlife Test Review
- Agriscience/Nursery Landscape 7:15-8:00
- 21st Century
Saturday-Saturday School-8:00 am
Looking ahead- Ag class test/quiz makeup day on February 21 7:45-8:15 and 4:00-4:30.
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