Happy Sunday Panther Nation!
Thank you for another week of teaching and learning. This is the week before our most wanted Spring Break! We are excited about the break but I want to remind our school community that we must remain focused this week! The grading window will end next Monday and students must have all assignments turned in no later than this Friday. Parents, I encourage you to check Parent Portal for grades and contact your child’s teacher if you have any concerns or questions.
Thank you to the parents and community members that came out to join us last week for the Panther Nation Outreach Committee and Building Construction Meetings. Your presence and voices are important as we look for ways to serve our school community. The new building is coming along well. As of now, our move-in date is set for early September. Please look forward to updates regarding the transition in the upcoming blogs.
Principal Tolbert
Parents, please help us to help our students. Many of our students are arriving at school out of uniform. Students are permitted to wear black, gold, or white polo style shirts. Undershirts that are visible will need to be one of the three colors too. We are noticing that students are arriving at school dressed in specific colors that are in violation of the uniform rule. This is not permitted. Please be reminded that if students are found to be in violation of the uniform rule, they will spend the day in ISS.
Headphones and Cell Phones:
Students are not permitted to talk on their cell phones between the hours of 8:00-3:45. If students are found in violation of the rule, their phones will be confiscated and parents can retrieve them on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 4:00-5:30. Students will also not need to carry headphones as they are not permitted to listen to music on computers or cell phones.
Several of our students received a letter requesting the presence of parents on March 9th for a meeting with Ms. Tolbert. The meeting date is actually March 7th. A new letter will be sent home with students tomorrow. You are highly encouraged to be in attendance at the meeting.
Family Science Night
Family Science Night
Date: Thursday, March 21
Time: 5:00-6:30 pm
Location: Hilsman Cafeteria
Come Run with the Panthers
Sign Up for the Panther Prowl 5K!
Students and staff members who enter the Panther Prowl have an opportunity to win a prize pack to be announced after the race.
Panther Nation Outreach Committee
Thank you to Ms. Stanhope for all of her help with establishing the Panther Nation Food Pantry! We will release the date of the soft opening tomorrow and provide everyone with a list of ways you can contribute to this initiative
Milestone Dates
Below you will find the dates for the administration of the Georgia Milestone Assessments. Please plan accordingly to avoid your child missing any section of the test. Please contact Mr. Forker if you have any questions or concerns.
4/29 - 5/1 : ELA EOC
5/2-5/3 - Math EOC
5/6 - Soc Studies EOC
5/7 - Science EOC
5/8 - 5/10 - EOC Make-Ups
Spring Break Reminder
This is the moment that we have all been waiting for! Spring Break 2019! Spring Break is the week of March 11-15, 2019. Students will also be out on March 18, 2019, due to a Teachers’ Work Day. Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on March 20-22 and students will be released early from school.
Band News
The 7th and 8th Grade Band will be participating in the GMEA District 14 Large Group Performance Evaluation at East Jackson Comprehensive High School. The dates are as follows: 7th Grade: Tuesday, March 5 at 11:00 AM 8th Grade: Wednesday, March 6 at 11:00 AM.
The 7th and 8th Grade Band will leave for Universal Studios Friday morning!
News from the Counselors
Educational Talent Search with UGA: We have been on a hiatus with ETS, but we will be starting back up again next week with Ms. Ramsey. If your child has an application, please ask them to return it to Ms. Moore. For more information please go to http://dae.uga.edu/initiatives-2/trio/. 8th Grade Parents: Rising 9th Grade Parent Night will take place at Cedar Shoals High School on March 6th at 6pm.
Book Fair
Spring Scholastic Book Fair is right after Spring Break March 20th-26th! We hope to see all our parents, faculty and staff, and students!
The Week at a Glance
Monday-Binder Dress Down Day
21st Century
21st Century
FFA-Ag Science Practice 7:15-8:00 Ag Class- Bell Ringer Creed 5 Quiz Ag Class- SAE Workday 4:00-5:00
21st Century
Ag Class- SAE Check 3 hours/ 3 pictures (Test Grade)
21st Century
AG/FACS Career Fair During Class Agriscience Fair Practice (Mandatory) 4:00-6:00. All projects are due at the end of practice.
21st Century
No Saturday School (Enjoy the break)
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