![If you are persistent, you will get it. If you are consistent, you will keep it.](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/13/f3/b7/13f3b7445d8ca0766cb6cfee1199e1f6.jpg)
Good evening,
It was a cold but great week at Hilsman. Thank you to the parents that came out to the Sip and Talk last Thursday. Although the crowd was light, we shared some great information related to academics, discipline, and attendance. We have some work to do as a community but we are not far away from GREATNESS! Please continue to support the effort of the school and teachers as we strive to teach and reach every child at Hilsman.
We are in our last week before the holiday break. Students and staff are excited to have a break to enjoy family and the season. As you are celebrating, please keep our less fortunate in your thoughts. We have students that have lost loved ones, who are without housing and food, or just unsure what will happen during the next two weeks. We have provided resources to offer for anyone that you may know that are in need of assistance. If you have any questions, please contact our counselors.
In an effort to keep students engaged in academics throughout the break, I have asked teachers to provide students with a holiday packet. The packet will allow students to practice what they have been learning. We are also challenging all of our students to check out a book and READ! Please encourage your scholar to participate in this mission. Thirty minutes a day will keep the brain awake!
Lastly, Happy Holidays to all of you. Please enjoy your family. I will spend some much needed time with my girls. Therefore, I will not send out any news until the Sunday before we return to school. I will see you all next year!
Ms. Tolbert
- Monday will be the final day for the canathon, Please bring in cans so that we can help our local food bank provide members of our community with food.
- CCSD District Science Fair will be Saturday, January 7, 2017.
- The last produce stand will be December 19, 2016
- 21st Century Evaluation Results
Links to Full Reports
Also attached is a summary presentation.
"Make plans to attend HILSMAN SKATE NIGHT this Friday, December 18th at Fun Galaxy from 7 to 11 PM! Tickets are $11 at the door. The homeroom with the most Hilsman students in attendance wins a UNIFORM FREE DAY!"
Friday, December 16:
The seventh grade will host a "Sock Hop," a dance to culminate our study of The Outsiders. Students will be in costume (Greaser or Soc). The event will be during sixth and seventh periods. Teachers are invited and encouraged to dress in your favorite '50s attire and come rock around the clock together. Parents are invited to come out too!
Monday-B Day
FFA Officer Meeting
Band Concert 7:00 pm
21st Century
Tuesday- A Day
FFA Meeting (Bring your favorite cookies to share)
No Math Counts. We will resume on January January 10th.
21st Century
Wednesday- B Day
Hilsman Produce Stand
Thursday- A Day
FFA Horse Judging 4:00-5:00
Friday- B Day