Happy Friday!
It has been an incredible week at Hilsman. We had Mrs. Mulholland, an original Freedom Rider, visit with our 8th graders, almost completed our first student led conferences, and successfully finished our 1st quarter of the year. Many celebrations have taken placed throughout our building for the students that have shown progress or simply met the standards. Thank you to every parent that has participated in your child's conference. I had an opportunity to observe a few of the conferences and was pleased with the maturity level of our students as they shared their data. We have some areas to grow but our students and teachers did a great job. If you have not come in for your conference, you are highly encouraged to do so as soon as possible. Although it is important to get 100% of our conferences completed, it is even more important for you to be in the know about your child's academic progress. We want all of our students to have a successful year.
Thank you to everyone that participated in the Cookie Dough Fundraiser. Although we did not meet our goal, we did sell over 2000.00 worth of cookie dough. I will provide you all with the exact numbers before the end of the month. We are scheduled to receive the cookie dough on October 23rd. If anything changes, I will be sure to make you aware. On the same accord, please do not forget to get your Hilsman Tumbler! Our PTO is hosting the tumbler fundraiser. They are durable and extremely nice. If we meet our sales goal, then I am willing to take a pie in the face!
Lastly, on behalf of the staff at Hilsman, I want to extend a huge thank you for the food provided to feed our staff last Thursday. It was definitely a great spread and it was thoroughly enjoyed by our Panther Nation. Thank you for being supportive of our work.
Ms. Tolbert
Hilsman Fruit Sale -- October 16 thru November 15
Fruit will be delivered the week of December 11
Please see Team Gora (Dorsey, Gaertig, Picha, Zabetakis) or Ms. Seymour (FACS) for more information!
All money raised will support student community based instruction and classroom activities.
Students of all grades are invited and encouraged to attend after school tutoring and makeup sessions with Ms. Jones each Tuesday in room 112 from 4 until 5. Students must be picked up by 5:00 or have permission to walk home. HOUSE POINTS AWARDED FOR ATTENDANCE! Come help your grade AND your house!
Please consider contributing to helping the victims of the recent natural disasters. A penny drive, supply campaign, and Stop Hunger campaign are all part of the Hilsman Bands Together campaign.
Yearbooks are currently on sale for $22. Contact Ms. Hubbard or Mrs. Maxey for details.
Please encourage your students to apply for the Hilsman Scholars programs. The information is on the morning announcements. Please contact Mrs. Maxey for details.
Week at a Glance
All Science Fair participants have until Friday to submit the research plan proposal. Please ask your student's Science ELT teacher for questions. We are looking for engineers and scientists who are willing to help mentor students through the process.
Message from The Cave
Covenant Presbyterian Church (1065 Gaines School Road) plans to host The Cave Friday after school program for students to recreate--providing space for play of basketball, field games, outdoor relaxing, as well as indoor pool, ping-pong, and video games every Friday CCSD schools are in session.
Due to early release on Friday, October 13, Covenant Presbyterian Church did not be host The Cave After School Program. Down the road, if the need is identified and it is feasible, we will consider an extended after school program on Fridays when there is early release.
Therefore, for the rest of the semester, there would NOT be The Cave program: Friday Oct 27, and Friday Nov 24,
Due to early release on Friday, October 13, Covenant Presbyterian Church did not be host The Cave After School Program. Down the road, if the need is identified and it is feasible, we will consider an extended after school program on Fridays when there is early release.
Therefore, for the rest of the semester, there would NOT be The Cave program: Friday Oct 27, and Friday Nov 24,
Basketball Tryouts:
Boys- Monday-Wednesday , Time: 4:00-6:00
Girls-Tuesday-Thursday, Time 6:00-8:00
* Student must be academically eligible and have a physical before they are allowed to tryout*
Week at a Glance
Homeroom- FFA Officer Meeting
4:00-5:00 FFA Agriscience Fair Practice (Tory, Ella, Emma and Cori)
21st Century
21st Century
4:00-5:00 FFA Meeting
Students may change into an outfit for the costume contest and can bring extra clothes for the Fear Factor Challenges!
21st Century
Cross country- Morgan County, Time- 4:00
SAE Workday 4:00-5:00
FFA Livestock Judging and Horse Judging Guest Speaker: 4:00-5:00
21st Century
4:00-5:00 Emma and Cori Visiting Vet School for Agriscience Fair Practice
Agriscience Fair Open House 4:00-5:30- Everyone is invited to come and view the Agriscience Fair Boards before Nationals. (Students will stay until 6:00 for a brief meeting after open house).
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