Quote of the Week
Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.
Paul Ryan
Happy Sunday Panther Nation,
Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.
Paul Ryan
Happy Sunday Panther Nation,
It was a long but great week. We had a lot of great activities occur last week. A huge shout out to our band and chorus for great performances. Mr. Lawrence and Mrs.Camp are amazing teachers and it shows each time our students perform. Thank you to everyone that participated and supported the activities. It is also my understanding that Rockathon was a huge success!
Next week will be just as busy for our faculty, students, and parents. Students are out Monday and will be released early Wednesday-Friday at 1:30. Grade level Parent Nights are also being held this week along with conferences. All conferences with the exception of some of Team Gora's students, will be student led. Please bring your child to their conference as they will be sharing with you their progress, challenges, and goals from first quarter. This is our first attempt with holding student led conferences but are sure that our students will do well. They have received some training and more will be given this week during advisement. Thanks to Mrs. Moore for crafting great advisement lessons for our students. Please make every effort to make your conference as well as your Parent Night!
I am sure many of you saw and read the article discussing our county's academic and discipline data. Although there are wide gaps to close, our teachers are working diligently to teach to reach every student at Hilsman. Their work does not go unnoticed and is greatly appreciated daily. Please know that we are working to address the gaps and the staff at Hilsman is committed to improving the academic progress of all of our students. We ask that as a community you join us in our continued efforts to help our students progress academically and behaviorally. Together we will move forward ensuring we are making decisions, delivering instruction, and providing more social emotional learning opportunities for our students. Stay tuned to opportunities as to how you can become involved at Hilsman! Below you will find announcements and the week at a glance.
Kind Regards,
Principal Tolbert
Picture Information
Picture Information
Retakes/Make-ups are Wednesday, Nov. 8th and students must be in uniform.
Orders can be placed when the proofs come in, so they do not need to prepay. There is no need to sign up for retakes/make-ups.
Pictures for students who had them made on Sept. 19th will be sent home by Wednesday of this week.
Book Fair Time!
It's time for our Hilsman Fall Scholastic Book Fair October 10th through the 13th during school and parent conference hours. Make sure to drop by for wonderful books, posters, and fun items. There will be a drawing for over 20 poster prizes on Friday!
Daily Book Fair Hours:
Tues., Oct. 10: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM & 6:00 PM-8:00 PM
Wed., Oct. 11: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Thurs., Oct. 12 8:00 AM-7:30 PM
Fri., Oct. 13 8:00 AM-1:45 PM
Here's the full-length Scholastic Author Highlights video: http://www.scholastic.com/bookfairs/2017-fall-ms-video
News from 7th Grade
News from 6th Grade
Students of all grades are invited and encouraged to attend after school tutoring and makeup sessions with Ms. Jones each Tuesday in room 112 from 4 until 5. Students must be picked up by 5:00 or have permission to walk home. HOUSE POINTS AWARDED FOR ATTENDANCE! Come help your grade AND your house!
Team Gora will hold 4th Annual Panther's Pumpkin Patch. All money goes to support students life skills in the community.Come buy a Pumpkin $5 .
Message from Mr. Lawrence
I would like to thank all parents that came out to support the HMS Chorus during last week performance.
Jonathon P. Lawrence
Choral/General Music Instructor
Let's Talk About It
For those interested in joining us for our fall dinner dialogue series, please see Ms. Hogan's table at Parent Teacher Conferences to pick up your book, reading guide, and discussion dates.
Basketball signups this week.
Oct-16- First session of tryouts.Times will be announced later this week.
Webinars will highlight Georgia agencies that provide services to students with autism. Supports available for families as well as school districts will be discussed. Information will be shared about the agency location, population served, services provided, and contact information. Mark your calendars for the following dates! Date: October 24, 2017 Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Presenters: Tools for Life - Carolyn P. Phillips, M.Ed. Georgia Instructional Materials Center - Carson Cochran, M.Ed.
Copy & Paste - Registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5417189721651980033
Date: November 20, 2017 Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Presenters: Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities - Eric Jacobson Department of Behavioral and Developmental Disabilities - Ronald Wakefield
Copy & Paste - Registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5169839188154789122
Date: Tuesday, October 10 Time: 10:00 AM-12:00PM Location: Athens Regional Library This workshop will provide parents with an overview of IDEA, Child Find, RTI, SST, making a referral, evaluation process, and the IEP process. For more information, contact Jerolee Oschack at 706.546.7721 ext. 65727.
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m. Location: Piedmont Athens Regional Medical Services Building Auditroium & Rooms (behind Piedmont Athens Regional Hospital entrance on King Ave.) Heather Karrh, Esq. and Greg Rogers, Esq. from Rogers, Hofrichter & Karrh, will be giving a lecture on "Overcoming Legal Challenges For Those With Epilepsy.” Free parking ONLY in the Medical Services Parking Lot and refreshments provided for attendees.
Please RSVP a total attending to nurset@athensneuro.com.
Week at a Glance
Monday-Students out of school
6th Grade Parent Night-6:30-Cafeteria
Foundation for Excellence Banquet
7th Grade Parent Night-6:30- Media Center
8th Grade Parent Night-6:30-Cafeteria
6:15 AM - Leave Hilsman. FFA Georgia National Fair Trip. (Only students who turned in a form and paid)
Wednesday-Early Release at 1:30
Parent Conferences
End of School- 4:00pm Practices for FFA Floriculture, Horse Judging, and Livestock Judging.
Thursday-Early Release at 1:30
Parent Conferences-Late Night
End of School-4:00pm FFA Agriscience Fair Practice (students should be in official dress)
Friday-Early Release at 1:30
Parent Conferences
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