Tena Desae
Happy Friday!
It is rainy outside, but the sun was shining bright throughout Hilsman Middle School. It has been a long but productive work. As we have observed classes, we have noticed that students are engaged in their learning and taking notes! This is great news. Hopefully you received your scholar's report card. I strongly encourage you to remain aware of your child's progress. As mentioned before, it is important that we monitor our students' learning and hold them accountable. If we all remain on one accord then we should expect great results. If your child failed a class, please contact the teacher to arrange a conference to develop a plan that will help your child successfully end the year. Students must pass 6 or 7 classes to be promoted to the next grade. It is imperative that we do not wait until the last minute to address the deficits. We want to see smiling faces at the end of the year!
The 8th grade trip to Athens Tech will not take place this month. It will be rescheduled and communicated with you in a timely manner. We realize that there is a discrepancy with the 8th grade annual dance and the band field trip. The team is working to find another date that will allow all of the students to participate in the dance. 8th grade teachers are working to schedule a meeting to provide detailed information about the 8th grade activities. Please stay tuned for the date. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact Mr. Eric Blake or an administrator.
As always, we invite you to visit Hilsman and participate in our extracurricular activities. It is a pleasure to receive volunteer forms and calls that simply asks what do we need. We need all of you and your support as we continue to move forward and finish strong.
Principal Tolbert
Due to poor participation the Panther Prowl will be cancelled for this year. If you registered, your money will be refunded.
The Hilsman Spelling Bee will be held Wednesday, January 17, 2018 in the Media Center at 9:00. Parents are welcome to attend!
Below you will find the CCSD SPED Parent Night Flyer (East-Side and West-Side, respectively).
*The Spanish version has been added (2nd page of the document).
Week a Glance
21st Century
21st Century
Spelling Bee at 9:00 am. Contestants will report to the Media Center at 8:30 am.
21st Century
Agriscience Fair Practice 4-6
HMS v/s BHL @ BHL Girls 4:30, Boys 5:30
21st Century
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