“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. ...Unknown
Greeting Parents,
It has been a busy week at Hilsman for a number of reasons. Although our staff have been busy holding high expectations for students and delivering quality instruction, we have experienced a rise in discipline infractions this week. There is a sense of uncertainty in our community that is manifesting in our school. As a result, behaviors are escalating. We are working hard to maintain an environment that is safe, welcoming, and conducive to learning. As a community we must continue to work together to create a space for our students where they FEEL and KNOW that they are safe. I encourage you to keep using the incidents that are occurring around us as teachable moments for our students. We are stressing the need to make good decisions at school as well as in the community. Additionally, we are intentionally focusing on the positive behaviors of our students. Our counselors have been available to speak to students or to simply just listen to their concerns. We appreciate your help as we work to maintain a positive school community.
As we continue to combat the flu season, please remember if your child is sick to keep them at home. When they miss school, they are truly missed, however we want for the students to be well! Thank you for all of the donations that have been made to Hilsman. They have been used to help wipe down desks, computers, and chairs. Feel free to continue to donate, we greatly appreciate it.
Today ends the first four weeks of the third quarter. Progress reports are set to be distributed next Tuesday. You are encouraged to contact teachers regarding your child's progress. Remember we offer tutoring after school. If your child is in need of help, get signed up ASAP. Parent/teacher conferences are coming in March. It is always our goal to reach 100% of our parents. Be on the look out for more information related to times soon.
Thank you for your continued support of Hilsman. We have a busy next week, you are invited to attend all of the upcoming events!
Principal Tolbert
Tutoring Opportunities
Students of all grades are invited and encouraged to attend after school tutoring and makeup sessions with Ms. Jones each Tuesday in room 112 from 4 until 5. Students must be picked up by 5:00 or have permission to walk home. HOUSE POINTS AWARDED FOR ATTENDANCE! Come help your grade AND your house!
Foreign Language after school tutoring Thursday 4-5:30pm in room 216.
Saturday School will begin in a few weeks. If your child was invited to attend, they will be given a form Monday. It will be due to Ms. Tolbert no later than Wednesday of next week.
Message from the Counselors
We would like to ask for participation once again in the Bullying Prevention Essay Contest for CCSD, as this has been one of our No Place for Hate activities. The link below will be open until February 23rd and contains all of the information. Please encourage your child to submit an essay!
"If there is an adult at your school who has made an impact by standing up to bullying or helping someone who has been bullied, we invite you to honor that remarkable individual by participating in the district wide Bullying Prevention Essay Contest. Winners will be selected at the middle school and high school level. To submit an entry, you must be a Clarke County student in grades 6-12. The essay must be 250-500 words (1500-3000 characters). All entries are due February 23, 2018. You may only nominate one person. This person could be a teacher, administrator, counselor, or some other person, but they must be currently employed in CCSD."
Link: http://bit.ly/CCPS2018
World Language Announcement
Foreign language (French and Spanish) is in need of shoe boxes for an upcoming cultural project. If you have any lying around the house or happen to buy a pair of new shoes this weekend, please send them to school with your child. They may bring them to room 315 (the French room). We’ll take all we can!!! Merci and gracias!
Want Flowers?
Valentines Day Carnations will be sold by FFA and can be purchased from Ms. Smith Monday-Friday (Feb 5-9).
A note will accompany the flower which will include: Sender, recipient (including their 7th period teacher) and space for a hand written note.
Parents who would like to send a flower can email Ms. Smith at smithj2@clarke.k12.ga.us. Flowers will be given out 7th period on February 14th. Cost: 1 for $2 or 3 for $5.
Math Family Night
Coile and Hilsman Math Night will be held at Cedar Shoals on February 8, 2018. It will begin at 6:00 pm. The homeroom with the most attendants will receive a pizza party. Parents/students are encouraged to attend!
Parent Coffee
Parent Coffee will be held Friday, February 9, 2018 at 8:30. We will discuss ways to become more involved in our community.
PTO Announcement:
Come join us at Menchies for Spirit Night!
Menchies Georgetown
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
5pm - 9pm
20% of the purchases will be donated to Hilsman
8th Grade Dates and Upcoming Events
Mon 2/5/18 8th grade Homeroom Movie day Queen of Katwe
Mon 2/5/18 8th grade parent meeting 6 pm HMS Cafeteria
Wed 2/7/18 Washington DC Interest meeting 6pm room 506
Thurs 2/8/18 Cedar Shoals Math Night 6pm
Week at a Glance
21st Century
Homeroom: Makeup Workday for Agriculture classes. All missing work must be made up by the end of ELT!
SAE workday 4-5. Please have a ride at the school by 5.
SAE workday 4-5. Please have a ride at the school by 5.
21st Century
FFA Agriscience Fair Practice 4-5:30
21st Century
21st Century
FFA Agriscience Fair Practice 4-5:30
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