Quote of the Week: “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” ― Bernard M. Baruch
Happy Sunday!
We made it to the end of another great week at HMS! As mentioned last week,we are entering the most busiest time of the year! Parents please help us to help our scholars! We realize that we are in the last quarter but we must help students to understand that teaching and learning must continue until the end of the year. This mean that they will need to arrive to school on time, be prepared to learn, complete all assignments, and remain respectful.
We are noticing an increase in students arriving to school late, bringing in outside food (takis, candies, drinks, outside restaurant food ), displaying disrespectful behavior (talking back, refusal to follow teacher directives,) and students being unkind to each other via social media. Our staff is taking the necessary steps to help our students. However, I am asking parents to have a talk with your child and help us to hold them accountable for their actions. It is our desire to end the year strong! This is not the time for our students to lose their focus. We have a lot to do and we want ALL of our students to remain at Hilsman as we are working to finish the year successfully. We can do it.
On another note, please accept my apology if I offended anyone by sharing the letter that presented the other side of the protest. It was never my intention to trivialize my students' voice or share anti-gun control propaganda. It was my intention to present another side of the protest for students and parents to read in an effort to engage students that did not want to participate or simply did not understand the purpose of the protest. As principal I understand both sides but will not encourage students to stand on either side of the cause. I am simply excited that students around the country voices are being heard and remain in awe of what has occurred at Hilsman.
I look forward to a strong end to the year! Together we can reach our goals that were designed to ensure our success! If you would like to volunteer in the halls, cafeteria, or any other place in the school, we would love to have you! Be sure to read the announcements carefully! I hope that you enjoyed your weekend Panther Nation.
Principal Tolbert
More articles to consider reading:
A response to David Blair
Another open letter to students walking out
School shootings inspire new movements
Parent/Teacher Conferences
At this time you should have received confirmation of your conference time. If you have not, I encourage you to contact your child's homeroom teacher for more information.
Family Science Night is next Thursday, March 29.
Please come out to our Family Science Night. We would love for all of our families to attend this event. Our goal is to have at least 300 guests to attend! Help us out and please come out!
Spring Pictures
Spring Picture Day at Hilsman is Wednesday, April 4th. Homeroom teachers will distribute to students the Lifetouch order form on Monday, March 26th to bring home that provides pricing and ordering information. If you do not get an order form by the time you come to your child's conference, please stop by the front office. We will have extra order forms to provide to you.
Spring Pictures are prepay only. Parents can pay by cash, check, or credit card online. If paying by cash or check, students will need to bring their payment along with the order form to school to give to the photographer on picture day. If paying by credit card, students will need to bring their order form completed by the parent indicating payment has been made online to give to the photographer.
Students who are taking spring pictures may be out of uniform on April 4th as long as their attire adheres to the CCSD/Hilsman dress code.
Book Fair
"Our Hilsman Scholastic Spring Book Fair is all week Monday through Friday during school and parent conference hours! Come on down to the media center and pick-up something GREAT to read and something from the Teacher Wish Boxes too! See flyer for exact dates and times."
Tutoring Opportunities
Students of all grades are invited and encouraged to attend after school tutoring and makeup sessions with Ms. Jones each Tuesday in room 112 from 4 until 5. Students must be picked up by 5:00or have permission to walk home. HOUSE POINTS AWARDED FOR ATTENDANCE! Come help your grade AND your house!
Saturday School will resume on March 24th from 8:30-12:00. If you have signed up please be at the Bus Stop by 7:30 am or you can opt to provide your own transportation.
Foreign Language Tutoring is held on Wednesdays from 4:00-5:30
Hilsman PTO Presents:
Spring Talent Show
April 21, 2018 @ 6:00 PM
New Gym
Spring Talent Show
April 21, 2018 @ 6:00 PM
New Gym
Week at a Glance
SAE Workday 7:15-8:00
No 21st Century
Track meet at Athens Christian on Monday, March 26th at 4:30
SAE Workday 7:15-8:00
NO 21st Century
Soccer Game HMS v/s BHL @ BHL Girls: 4;30, Boys: 5:30
Wednesday -Parent Teacher Conference/Early Release 1:30
Agriscience Fair Workday (After School- End of Conferences)
No 21st Century
Thursday-Parent Teacher Conference/Early Release 1:30
Agriscience Fair Workday (After School- End of Conferences)
Friday-Parent Teacher Conference/Early Release 1:30
SAE Workday 7:15-8:00
No 21st Century
Track meet at Athens Christian on Monday, March 26th at 4:30
SAE Workday 7:15-8:00
NO 21st Century
Soccer Game HMS v/s BHL @ BHL Girls: 4;30, Boys: 5:30
Wednesday -Parent Teacher Conference/Early Release 1:30
Agriscience Fair Workday (After School- End of Conferences)
No 21st Century
Thursday-Parent Teacher Conference/Early Release 1:30
Agriscience Fair Workday (After School- End of Conferences)
Last Day to join FFA for the year! ($10- Dues)
No 21st Century
Friday-Parent Teacher Conference/Early Release 1:30
Agriscience Fair Workday- After School. All papers must be completed by the time you leave!
No Saturday School
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