Happy Monday!
It was a great weekend and it is my hope that you enjoyed every moment of it! Thank you for coming out to the school last week. From your smiles and comments, you were pleased with the student led conferences. Science Night was a huge success. We met our goal of 300 participants! The week ended with a great talent show. It was a busy week but a great one!
As we continue to hold students accountable until the end of the year, I want to encourage parents to remain vigilant of your child's academic and behavior progress. This is the most critical point in the year! Students are working extremely hard to end the year successfully. If you were made aware that your child was in danger of failing a course or being retained, please take advantage of all of the services provided by teachers and the district. If your child was selected to attend Summer School, you will receive a letter no later than Friday with more details. I can not stress the importance of knowing your child's status. If you have any questions, please reach out to the teachers or a counselor before it is too late.
Please accept my apology for the miscommunication regarding Saturday School. Saturday School was canceled. It was communicated in the blog last week and announced daily to our students. As a staff, we obviously did not communicate the information with each other which resulted in the miscommunication.
I am including information in this blog with dates for the end of year activities. Please review it carefully. Have a great week.
Principal Tolbert
Saturday April 7th - Hilsman will be sending chess teams to compete at the Chess and Community Conference at The Classic Center from 11:00 am- 5:00 pm.
Yearbook Information
The Hilsman Middle School 2017-18 Yearbook order deadline is approaching soon!
Students can order their yearbooks through Friday, April 6th either online at YBPay.lifetouch.com, Code 13140018, or by paying cash or check. The current price is for the yearbook is $24.
If paying by cash or check, please see Ms. Maxey. Checks should be made payable to Hilsman Middle School.
Important Dates
- PSP Ends: Tuesday 4/10
- Panther Cafe: Thursday 4/12 @5:30-6:30pm
- EOG Milestones: ELA- 4/17, 4/19; Math- 4/24, 4/25; Science 4/26; Social Studies 4/27
- Washington DC attendance meeting: Wednesday 4/18
- Saturday School ends: Saturday 4/21
- Library Books Due: Friday 5/4/
- Washington DC Trip: Wednesday 5/2 @8:30 pm - Sunday 5/6 @6:30 pm
- 8th Grade Field Day: Monday 5/7
- High School Algebra EOC: Tuesday 5/8 (Accelerated Math students)
- High School Sci EOC: Wednesday 5/9
- CSHS Book Drop: Thursday 5/10
- 21st Century Program ends: Thursday 5/10
- 8th Grade Semi Formal Dance: Thursday 5/10 @6:00 - 8:00pm
- Band Trip: Friday 5/11 - Sunday 5/13
- French 1 Final Exam: Tuesday 5/15, Wednesday 5/16. Makeup day Thursday 5/17
- Spanish 1 Final Exam: Tuesday 5/15, Wednesday 5/16. Makeup day Thursday 5/17
- 8th Grade Uniform Free Week: Monday 5/14 - Friday 5/18/18
- Awards Ceremony: Monday 5/14 @2:00pm (6th and 7th period)
- Recognition Ceremony: Thursday 5/17 @ 6:00-7:30 pm
- 8th Grade Clean Up: Friday 5/18 school ends @12:30
Plant Sale
PSP will resume on Monday, April 2nd from 4-6
Saturday School will resume on April 7th from 8:30 - 12:00
Sports Information
Track practice will resume on Monday from 4-6 at Cedar Shoals
April 10th: Middle School Championship Meet at Cedar Shoals
Week at a Glance
21st Century
21st Century
SAE Workday and Agriscience Fair Workday- 7:15-8:00
SAE Workday 4-5 (must be picked up at 5- you cannot go to 21 century after workdays).
21st Century
SAE Check in All Ag Classes. 1 hour/1 picture
21st Century
Agriscience Fair Workday 7:15-800
21st Century
Saturday School resumes
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