Happy Sunday and what a weekend it was in the city of Athens! Go Dawgs! Hopefully everyone enjoyed the time away from school and the weekend. Tomorrow is Monday and we are back at it at Hilsman 2.0.
Congratulations to our Hilsman Middle FFA students for competing at the National FFA Agriscience Fair. Students placed 1st in the state contest in April, moved on to the top 12 in August and winners were announced yesterday in Indianapolis, Indiana. They were coached by the SPECTACULAR Mrs. Rene Martin! Mrs. Martin works hard and gives her all to help our students. A big thank you to Mrs. Martin and the parents that accompanied our team on this trip! It was well worth it! Hilsman Middle School continues to make our community proud!
Emma McElhannon and Ella Barkdoll placed 1st in the NATION with their animal science project on the amount of protein in horse feed!Ella Johnson and Tory Ratajczak placed 2nd in the nation in the Social Science category with their project on dog food preference and data on overfeeding and underfeeding dogs in the Athens, GA area.
This week several shifts will happen in our school. Mr. Mosely will join the 8th grade team as a Science teacher, Mrs. Fox will join Mr. Watkins and Ms. Rhorbach in 6th grade Science and Mrs. Skinner will return to teach the high school Science courses. We are also excited to welcome Mr. Brandon Brock (6th grade ELA) and Ms. Lauren Wood (7th grade ELA) to our Panther Pact! Our teams are almost complete!
Lastly, I would like for our Panther Pact to welcome Mr. Fabian Jones to the Panther Nation! Mr. Jones will be joining Mr. Forker and I as an Assistant Principal. Mr. Jones met the students Thursday morning! We are so excited to have him join our team.
We are in need of 1 parent and 2 community members to represent on our Local School Governance Team. I have received information from 2 parents expressing their willingness to serve! We meet every 3rd Tuesday of the month. This group helps to govern HMS and weighs in on important school level decisions that support the learning of our students. Please consider and contact me if you are interested!
We are also seeking parents to represent HMS on the CCSD Parent Advisory Board. This group meets once a month on Mondays at 6. This groups helps to weigh in on district level decisions and represent our school community. If you are interested, please contact me ASAP.
Pinking it Out
On October 31, 2018, the Panther Nation will host a Pink Out at HMS. Everyone will wear pink to culminate the ending of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We want to show a little extra love and support to our community members who have survived, currently experiencing, or have lost a loved one to breast cancer. A continental breakfast will be provided to members of our community from 8:00-8:45! Please help spread the word to our community!
Fresh Vegetables at HMS
We are going to have a produce market on Thursday, November 1st. Ms. Martin's Agriculture Science students are going to help out and we will be set up near the car rider line.
Produce FlyerAvailable Resources
Dear Parents and Guardians, We would like to offer some resources for students taking high school classes in 8th grade. Georgia Virtual Schools has a sister site that is free. The modules teach the standards consistent with the classes offered. Below is the information and procedures for using the site. Go to http://www.gavirtuallearning.org/resources/sharedlandingpage.aspx At the top right, click on Resources. On the left side of the page, you will see the Subject options. Click on the subject, and the class options will appear below in the Courses section. For High School Science, choose Physical Science. For High School Spanish, Click on World Language under Subject and Spanish I under courses. For High School Math, Click on GSE Algebra 1 and/ or GSE Analytic Geometry
Binder Check Information
Dress Down Day for October's Binder Check will be November 5!
Grade Level Blogs
The parents spoke and we listened! Every grade level now has a blog that will be shared every week. Here is where you can find grade level specific information! Thank you to the teachers for making this possible! They ROCK!
6th Grade: hilsman6.blogspot.com
7th Grade: www.hilsman7.blogspot.com
8th Grade: http://hilsman8.blogspot.com/
Week at a Glance:
21st Century
21st Century
FFA Meeting 4-6
Wednesday-Hilsman Goes Pink
Students are permitted to wear jeans and a pink shirt or any pink accessories for Breast Cancer Awareness
Students are permitted to wear jeans and a pink shirt or any pink accessories for Breast Cancer Awareness
21st Century
Ag Class SAE Checkpoint 1 hour/1picture
21st Century
Friday-Spirit Shirt and uniform bottoms