Happy Sunday Panther Nation!
I am looking forward to an awesome week! The weather is beautiful and this week, Wednesday-Friday, we will be visited by many of you as we welcome you in for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Students will be released early from school this Wednesday-Friday at 1:30 p.m. Please make sure that you have transportation arranged for your scholar. There will be no PSP and no 21st Century for October 15-19th. It is our goal to have 100% of our parents participate in their scheduled conferences. If you have not received notification of your time, you will know no later than tomorrow!
Panther Nation, we are working hard to model appropriate behaviors for our students. As we teach them how to manage their behaviors and remain aware of other's feelings, the staff of HMS have committed to being the example for our students. As a community, we must model and hold each other accountable for setting the tone for our scholars. It is important that we model respect for each other as we are engaging in difficult conversations about students' academic and behavioral progress. I challenge everyone in our community to be their best so that our students will be their BEST!
As mentioned in my previous communication with parents we have had several changes to occur on our staff. Mr. Mundy, Mr. McCann, Ms. Buffington-Martin, Ms. N. Myers, and Mrs. Blair will not be returning to Hilsman. We are in the process of hiring a new Chorus and Spanish teacher; however, a recommendation to hire for both ELA positions have been made to the BOE. We will host a Parent Information Session in the upcoming two weeks to address any parent concerns. The Administration Team will host conferences for Mr. Mundy's class and we will be in touch with those needed on tomorrow.
Our new building is well on its way up! I know it is too early to speak of moving but we are on scheduled to enter the new HMS as early as mid August! We are keeping our fingers cross that the weather will remain great so that the construction will continue to move!
Tomorrow is College/Career Day! Please have your child wear their favorite college shirt or dress up for a career of their choice. Our goal is to have 100% participation. Data collected last month revealed that 68% of our school community participated in our College/Career Monday! Let's strive for greater tomorrow!
I look forward to seeing you all this week!
Principal Tolbert
21st Century will not meet after school October 15-18 due to Parent Conferences. The morning 21st Century Program from 7:00-8:00 am will be available. 21st Century will host Lights on After School on Thursday, October 25 from 5:00-6:00 pm. If you are interested in the program, you may stop by and check out the programming that is offered.
Arrival to School
Attention all car riders! When you arrive to drop your child(ren) off in the morning, please keep moving past the green cones. Please do not stop at the cafeteria. This causes a traffic back up and frustration for others as they are waiting for students to exit the car. Adults are present to help direct your path. Thank you in advance for your help!
We are noticing an increase in students arriving to school out of uniform. This is the expectations and is clearly outlined in the Uniform Expectations. Students who violate the rule will receive a consequence. Please ensure that your child is dressed in the appropriate attire for HMS. If you need assistance or would like to donate uniforms, please contact Ms. Barnett at 706-546-7721.
Cell Phones
This is a reminder that cell phones are not permitted from 8:25-3:45. If students must contact parents during the day, they are permitted to use the school phones. If students violate the rule they will receive a consequence up to and including confiscating the phone.
Week at a Glance
No After-school PSP or 21st Century this week!
College and Career T-Shirt Day
All staff and students are encouraged to wear a college or career t-shirt with uniform bottoms. Please make sure college or career is visible; solid colors are not permitted.
Wednesday-Early Release 1:30
Thursday-Early Release 1:30
Friday-Early Release 1:30
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