Happy Sunday Panther Nation!
Thank you for coming out to the band concert last week! Mrs. Camp did an amazing job of directing our talented students. They were awesome and the sound was pleasing to the ear. Our Hispanic Heritage Celebration was just as great. It was good to see our families fellowship with each other while they enjoyed the festivities. We had a blast! Stay tuned to more opportunities to come out and mingle with our members of the Panther Nation!
The moment that we have all been waiting for is quickly approaching! Fall Parent/Teacher Conference Time! Conferences will be held October 17-19, 2018. Students will be released at 1:30 p.m. to allow time for these important meetings with your child’s teacher. Wednesday, October 17th is when we will host evening conferences.
You will be invited to come to school for a conference with your child’s teacher to discuss your child’s progress. The conference will last from 20 to 30 minutes. Please take advantage of this time to discuss your child's performance in the classroom and on assessments. Feel free to use this opportunity to address concerns you may have. We want to have 100% participation! We can do it!
Here is to a great week!
Principal Tolbert
News from Nurse Chambers
Your CCSD nurses are holding a community health night on Tuesday, October 16th at Oglethorpe Elementary School from 6-8 p.m. We will have multiple members of the health community present making presentations and giving out info for a healthy lifestyle. There will be food and door prizes and so much more! ALL are welcome!
21st Century and PSP News
21st Century and PSP will not meet after school during the week of Parent Conferences - October 15-19. Only the morning program will be available during that week.
News from the Counselors
The Clarke County School District takes seriously the personal/social and physical safety of our students. In order to proactively address concerns of depression and child/adolescent suicide, the district is providing a student suicide prevention lesson as part of the Signs of Suicide (SOS) Prevention Program. The Counseling Department at Hilsman will be delivering the Signs of Suicide (SOS) lesson through classrooms for 6th grade students during the week of November 12, 2018. Letters will be sent home with 6th grade students on October 8, 2018, and contain more detailed information about SOS. If you DO NOT wish for your child to participate in the SOS lesson at school, please sign the letter and return it to the Counseling Department by October 12, 2018. If you have any questions or concerns about this program, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Moore or Ms. Callahan, School Counselors.
Panther Nation Time
Good for fit (Zumba time at Hilsman) Friday October 19 at 6 pm Babysitting for children 4 and under Ticket: school supplies or suggested donation $2 student/$3 adult
Congratulations 2017-2018 Green Teachers! 3 Hilsman teachers taught a combined total of 56 lessons that were classified by Athens-Clarke County Government as "Green Lessons." Hilsman's Green Teachers are: Audrey Hughes Renee Smith Martin Erin Seymour The 3 teachers will receive a prize and a certificate, plus our school will receive a Green School sign for the exterior of our building.
Week at a Glance
21st Century
Georgia National Fair in Perry ,Ga (students will need to meet Mrs. Martin at Hilsman 2.0 at 6:00 am)
21st Century
21st Century
21st Century
C-Team Football Cedar Shoals vs. Clarke Central Date: Thursday, October-11-2018 Time: 5:00 p.m. Location: Cedar Shoals High School
21st Century
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