Motivation for the Week:
Good Sunday Panther Nation!
Thank you to all of the parents and community members that came out to our school sponsored family events held the last two weeks. There was a lot of fun had and some great information shared with our Panther Nation. A huge shout out to Ms. Barnett and her team for organizing the events!
As we continue moving forward this year, I want to challenge our community to get involved in our school. The community influence is just as important as the work that is being done in the classrooms. Your presence, your example, and your coaching can help make the difference in the life of a child!
We are continuing to impress the importance of being college and career ready upon all of our students. As a staff we pledge to become more consistent with our practices while holding our students accountable for owning their learning. Please continue to perform binder checks, review grades in Parent Portal, and be in the know about how your child is progressing academically and behaviorally. It takes a village! Our village is growing stronger everyday!
In partnership with you,
Principal Tolbert
We have noticed an increase in the number of students arriving to school out of uniform. The expectations have been shared and all students are aware of what is acceptable to wear to school. To avoid consequences, I am asking that you take an extra moment to remind your child of the expectations. We have provided students with the correct attire however at this time, we are out of stock. If you would like to donate uniforms to the school, please contact Ms. Barnett in the front office at 706-548-7281.
School begins promptly at 8:25. Our overall attendance average is hovering in the mid 90's. It is our goal to be 98% or above! We want all of our students to be present at school and on time. In the words of Mr. Dwight Manzy, when you miss school, you miss out! If your child must be absent from school, please send in an excuse ASAP.
Cross Country Information:
The final meet for Cross Country will be Tuesday, October 2nd at Westminster Christian Academy. Girls run at 4:00 and boys run at 4:25.
Our end of the year awards celebration for team/club members in grades 6-8 will take place on Thursday, October 4th from 4-6 pm. Students wishing to eat pizza and frozen treats should bring $5. Thanks for a great season!
News from the Band
Attention! Our first band concert is Monday, October 1 at 6:30. The concert will take place at the Cedar Shoals Theater. Parents, the student uniform is khaki pants (not shorts or jeans), and the band shirt or black polo shirt.
Upcoming Family Events
* Hispanic Heritage Night has changed:
Wednesday, October 3rd
6 pm at Hilsman cafeteria
Dance, food and student work
* Good for fit (zumba time at Hilsman)
Friday October 19 at 6 pm
Babysitting for children 4 and under
Ticket: school supplies or suggested donation $2 student/$3 adult
News from the Nurse
If you received a notice from the nurse regarding your child's immunization, it is important to follow through on the request to have your child immunized. Students who have not returned their form or received their shots will not be allowed to attend school. We are working on improving our attendance and do not want students out of school. Please contact Nurse Chambers if you have any questions.
More information
Your CCSD nurses are holding a community health night on Tuesday, October 16th at Oglethorpe Elementary School from 6-8 p.m.
We will have multiple members of the health community present making presentations and giving out info for a healthy lifestyle.
There will be food and door prizes and so much more! ALL are welcome!
Week at a Glance
21st Century
FFA Area Contests: Quiz and Floral Design
21st Century
Agriscience Fair 7:15-8:00 and LAST SAE workday 4:00-5:00
21st Century
Hispanic Heritage Night
SAE Test Grade for ALL Ag Students- 3 hours/3 pictures due on Google Classroom.
21st Century
LAST Ag Makeup Day. 7:15-7:45 and 4:00-4:30
Friday-Spirit Shirt and Uniform Pants
21st Century
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