Quote of the Week:
“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.”
—B.B. King
Happy Sunday! Thank you for your continued support of the Panther Nation! Our counselors did a great job this week of providing classroom guidance counseling to all of our students. Students were given resources and strategies to use to help them resolve conflicts without fighting. Please continue to talk to your children about being kind and respectful. More importantly, remind them that fighting is NOT the way to solve problems. We have included some resources for parents below to help guide these conversations with your scholar.
I am sure that many of you pass our old school site daily on your way to Hilsman 2.0! It is coming along well. We are on schedule to return to our new home next year. I have had an opportunity to visit the site and watched them pore the foundation for the 6th grade hall! It was so exciting. It is my hope to have pictures of the new Hilsman Middle School posted in the halls before the end of this month!
Although we are super excited about our return to the new building, we want to continue making our current school beautiful. We could use some volunteers to help us make our courtyard colorful and a place that our students could better enjoy lunch. Plants, picnic tables, and maybe even a few chairs would be great! Please consider helping us out! We also welcome you to come decorate a bulletin board, read to a student, supervise the cafeteria, or help in the front office! HMS wants YOU to get INVOLVED in our school! Contact Ms. Barnett at 706-548-7281 for more information about ways to volunteer at Hilsman.
As we continue to focus on being better every day, I want to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to our school community. YOU all rock! Please continue to work with us to educate our youth not just at school but in our communities too! It takes a village and our village is getting stronger and better every day!
Resources uses for Conflict/Resolution
Presentation to students by the Mrs. Moore and Ms. Callahan
Teaching Your Kids How to Resolve Conflict Without Fighting - A Fine Parent
Helpful Parent Resources
Principal Tolbert
We are hosting Grade Level Family Nights at HMS! Please come out to meet your child's teacher! This is an opportunity for parents to gain a better understanding of the curriculum and learning expectations for our students. It is also an opportunity for you to learn more about how Title 1 funds are used at Hilsman.
Due to limited space and parking we are hosting each grade level on a different day. The event will begin promptly at 6:00 pm and end at 7:30 pm. Parents will assemble in the cafeteria for a Title 1 Presentation after which they will follow their child's schedule.
6th Grade- September 12, 2018
7th Grade-September 11, 2018
8th Grade- September 10, 2018
Uniform Rule Update:
Although the CCSD Student Code of Conduct does not define the dress code for schools, it does inform parents to defer to the school's dress code rule. I have corrected our Dress Code rule in an effort to provide more clarity related to the articles of clothing that are not permissible at HMS. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at tolbertu@clarke.k12.ga.us.
Below you will find the dress code specific to HMS.
Amended Uniform Information 2018-2019
It is Cedar Shoals Homecoming this Friday! We are celebrating along with our Jaqs this week. Please see the following activities listed below:
Monday Hat Day
Tuesday Picture Day
Wednesday Crazy Sock Day/Decade Day-Wear your craziest socks while rocking an outfit from your favorite decade! 60's, 80's, or 90's!
Wednesday Crazy Sock Day/Decade Day-Wear your craziest socks while rocking an outfit from your favorite decade! 60's, 80's, or 90's!
Thursday Wear your Favorite Hilsman Spirit Tee
Come support C-Team game @ 5:30 at Cedar Shoals
Friday Support the Jags wear Orange or Blue T-shirt or CSHS T-shirt with your uniform bottoms
Picture Day at HMS
Fall Picture Day at Hilsman is Tuesday, September 11th. Students must be in uniform for these pictures. Forms with pricing and ordering information were distributed to students last week to take home. If you did not receive the ordering information, you may go to mylifetouch.com to place an online order. Use Picture Day ID: AG258061Q0. If you prefer paying by cash or check, your child will need to return the order form given out last week to the photographer when photographed. Extra order forms are available in the front office.
Pathways to Success Information
PSP applications were distributed during homeroom last Friday. Please complete the applications and return them to Mrs. Ward no later than Wednesday, September 12, 2018. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the purpose of PSP, please contact Ms. Ward at 706-548-7281 or at wardt@clarke.k12.ga.us.
Week at a Glance
FFA CDE Practice 7:15-8:00
8th Grade Grade Parent Grade Level Night
Picture Day-Students should dress in HMS uniform attire for pictures.
7th Grade Parent Night
Agriscience Fair Practice 4-6 and Advisory Meeting 6-7
HMS vs. BHL Time : 4:30 P.M. Date : Tuesday, 9/11/18 Location: Cedar Shoals High School
SAE Check in ALL AG Classes- 2 hours/2 pictures Due
Cedar C-Team vs. Gainesville Time: 5:30 P.M. Location: Cedar Shoals High School
FFA Minibooths Must be Completed! FFA CDE Practice 7:15-8:00
HMS vs. Winder
Time: 10:15 a.m.
Location: Apple Hawkins, Winder, Ga
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